2nd Postgraduate Conference on Literary Tradition and Popular Culture Saturday, 9 May 2015. Archaeology Farmhouse, Msida Campus 9:00 9:30 9:45 Registration Opening Prof. Gloria Lauri-­‐Lucente Keynote speaker Prof. E. Dean Kolbas Emmanuel College, Boston Literature and Commerce: A Two-­‐Way Street 10:45 11:15 Coffee break Session 1 Chair: Dr Bernard Micallef ▪ David Scicluna, The Way Forward is Backward: Replacing God in a Faithless World ▪ Lorraine Vassallo, Symmetry, Reality and Emotion: A Psychoanalytical Analysis of L’Uomo Della Sabbia: Capriccio Alla Maniera di Hoffmann ▪ Marlene Mifsud Chircop, The Grimaldi Ballad 12:30 Lunch 14:00 Session 2 Chair: Dr Fabrizio Foni ▪ Charlo Pisani, For God as for Batman: Roberto Benigni's I Dieci Comandamenti ▪ Ann Marie D’Amato, Analysing Leroux's Phantom as Portrayed in Schumacher's, De Palma's and Julian's Filmic Adaptations through Todorov's Theory ▪ Krystle Farrugia, Surrealist Interpretations of Alice in Wonderland: Salvador Dalí and Jan Švankmajer 15:15 15:45 Coffee break Session 3 Chair: Prof. Anthony Frendo ▪ Maria Falzon, The Holocaust: Cultural Memory and Cinema ▪ Dajana Laketic, Postmodernism and Theme of Chance in The Pledge ▪ Philip Mario Magri, The Prisoner: Princes Locked in Their Ivory Towers: From Luchino Visconti's Ludwig to Bertrand Bonello's Saint Laurent 17:00 Round Table